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Digital illustration


Time saving for the busy user or the use of a button for the lazy.

This article was written for those of you who are interested in creating an illustration that simulates a drawing but do not have the ability to deepen and learn the use of the available graphic software with all the many functions they offer for the beginning user who often times prefers, if due to lack of time or due to lazyness, to achieve quick results with a single press of a button.
When planning a system that would replicate a drawing, this feature is not to be overlooked by the companies and their programers. Many of them invest a lot of time in developing filters that would simplify the software operations.

In this article we will review the operation of different software in order to achieve speedy outcome.  For my examples I have used photographs of architectural objects.

Program  “ Photoshop”- Menu Filter” - Sketch filters - Filter  “Graphic Pen”
When using this software one should adjust the function “Stroke Length” to 15
The achieved outcome is an imaging of pen or pencil work according to the picture’s resolution.

Program “  Photoshop” - Menu  “Filter” - Sketch filters  - Filter “Graphic Pen”
When using this software one should adjust the function “Stroke Length” to 0
The achieved outcome is an imaging of pen or pencil dots texture work.

This is the style prefered by many architects.

Program  “  Photoshop” - Menu “Image” - Set "Adjust - Command "Threshold”

Use of key will chang colors to graduate black and white.
This key will enable to illustrate the object through light and shadow with ink texture.

Program  “ Painter5,6” - Brush "Cloners" - Method of creation of a copy "Furry Cloner"

The picture obtained will be an image of a pastel colors drawing.

Program  “ Painter5,6” - Brush "Cloners" - Method of creation of a copy - "Furry Cloner"
The achieved outcome will be an image of an impressionist style drawing.

Program  “ Painter5,6” - Brush "Cloners" - Method of creation of a copy - "Water Color Cloner"
The achieved outcome will be an image of a water color drawing – a good quality aquarel. Much higher knowledge and skill is required in order to achieve a superior quality outcome.

Program  “ Painter5,6” - Brush "Cloners" - Method of creation of a copy - "Fiber Cloner"
The achieved outcome will be an image of a fiber compilation texture drawing. The filter creates an image of work with color pencils.

The results attained by the use of these filters can be applied for large range of occasions if for personal use like making a surprise for ones family or as a tool for illustrating and promoting marketing strategies in bussinesses.

Good luck!

20.09.2001@ Grigory Anastasiev 

To be continued...



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