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Digital illustration


Computer imitates the pencil.
Lesson 2. Part 3

Take the contour image by command “Select all” and copy it by command “Copy”. Now open the shaded image (illustration drawing) by command “Paste” and fill it in the previous one, which looks now as a layer under layer “Background”.
Select the upper layer and use “Multiply” to merge it with the one below.

Let’s unite the existing layers by command” Flat Image”, placed in menu “Layers”. The illustration is a pencil imitation.
But its deficiency are the strokes, oriented in one direction.

We could completed here, yet let’s go on to a final.  Use the option “levels” or “Curve” to get the contrast and saturation of color.

Add some vegetation either by drawing it or transferring it from a suitable illustration.

Using again the option “Desaturation” we have got the whole drawing in black-white gradates.

With some effort and using tools from the set “Tools” we can obtain an illustration by the pencil within few minutes.

Good luck!

20.09.2001@ Grigory Anastasiev

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